
hostname(config)# konfigürasyon prompt bölümündeki kullanılabilir router komutuyla ile ilgili konfigürasyon işlemlerinin gerçekleştirilebileceği hostname(config-)# bölümüne geçiş yapılır. u bölümde web arayüzde Configuration -> sekmesinde gerçekleştirilebilen konfigürasyonlar için gerekli komutlar bulunur.

parta_Document(config)# router ?
bgp                      Border Gateway Protocol 
carp                     Enable CARP
mpls                     Label Distribution
ospf                     Open Shortest Path First
rip                      Routing Information Protocol

parta_Document(config)# router bgp 5   
parta_Document(config-bgp-5)# ?
as-set                   Prefix-set
bgp-filter               BGP Filter
connect-retry            Number of seconds before retrying to open a connection
enable                   Enable BGP
fib-priority             Routing priority
fib-update               Update the Forwarding Information Base
group                    BGP Group
holdtime                 Set the holdtime in seconds
listen                   Listen on specifed IP address
log-updates              Log received and sent updates
neighbor                 Neighbor config
network                  Announce the soecified network as belonging to out AS
nexthop-qualify          Specify next hop verification
origin-set               Origin-set
prefix                   Prefix
prefix-set               Prefix-set
rde                      RDE
roa-set                  Roa-set
router-id                Set the router ID
rtable                   rtable
transparent              If set to yes, AS paths to EBGP neighbors are not prepended with the local AS.
vpn                      MPLS VPN config

parta_Document(config)# router carp 
CARP enabled.
parta_Document(config)# no router carp 
CARP Disabled!

parta_Document(config)# router mpls  
address-family           Address Family ipv4/ipv6
disable-tcp-md5sig       TCP MD5 signatures.
ds-cisco-interop         Cisco Dual-Stack Capability
enable                   Enable MPLS
fib-update               Update the Forwarding Information Base
l2vpn                    Layer2 VPN, type VPLS
neighbor                 Neighbor config
router-id                Set the router ID
tcp-md5sig-key           Set tcp md5sig key
tcp-md5sig-password      Set tcp md5sig password
transport-preference     Specify the preferred address-family for TCP transport connections

parta_Document(config)# router ospf 
area                     Set Ospf Area
auth-key                 Set the authentication key
auth-md                  Set the authentication key-id and key for crypt authentication
auth-md-keyid            Configure the key-id to use for crypt authentication
auth-type                Set the authentication type
disable                  Disable Redistribute configuration
enable                   Enable Router Ospf/Rip
fast-hello-interval      Hello packets will be sent using this timer
fib-priority             Routing priority
fib-update               Update the Forwarding Information Base
hello-interval           Set hello interval
metric                   Set the interface metric a.k.a. cost
redistribute             Redistribute configuration
retransmit-interval      Set retransmit interval
rfc1583compat            AS-external routes are evaluated according to RFC 2328.
router-dead-time         Set the router dead time, a.k.a. neighbor inactivity timer
router-id                Set the router ID
router-priority          Set the router priority
rtlabel                  Map route labels to external route tags and vice versa
spf-delay                The delay between receiving an update to the link state database
spf-holdtime             The minimum time between two consecutive shortest path.
stub-router              If enabled, all interfaces with active neighbors will have a metric of infinity
transmit-delay           Set the transmit delay
type-p2p                 Set the interface type to point to point

parta_Document(config)# router rip 
description              Set description
disable                  Disable Redistribute configuration
enable                   Enable Router Ospf/Rip
fib-priority             Routing priority
fib-update               Update the Forwarding Information Base
redistribute             Redistribute configuration
split-horizon            Set redistribute rule, The default is poisoned
triggered-updates        Immediately trigger responses when a route changes.  The default is yes.

Last updated

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